The one about the sock by Mayou Trikerioti

When Timeless Made a Demon Sock Puppet

TIMELESS reveals a sock puppet on one of his hands. It’s more comical than scary.

TIMELESS It’s time.
CAST What’s for?
TIMELESS I m-m- made a demon.

CAST: Don’t much look like a demon

Gecko proud by Mayou Trikerioti

Gecko at East15 Acting School the Rescue smashes it!

The Rescue at East 15 - Rehearsal Shots

Come see the first iteration of a brand-new production that we've been devising with East 15 Acting & Contemporary Theatre students over the last month!

The piece is looking truly extraordinary and possibly quite different to what you might expect from a typical

Gecko show....

Tickets are available for this Friday and Saturday via the link in our bio

@east15ct #TheRescue #GeckoTheatreRescue

#GeckoRescue #NewShow #GeckoTheatre

#GeckoLondon #East15 #Ensemble #PhysicalTheatre #ContemporaryDance #East15CT #LondonTheatre

#LondonDance #LondonContemporaryDance

wonderful words by Mayou Trikerioti

“Ενα ευφυές σκηνικό της Μαγιούς Τρικεριώτη, ως επίφαση σπιτιού, οικογένειας ταυτοποιημένο με τη διάλυση.”

“A brilliant stage set by Mayou Trikerioti, as an epitome of a home and a family in dissolution.

Thank you Rea Vitali