Theatro Kykladon / 2003
Written by / Sarah Kane
Directed by / Lefteris Voyatzis
Set and Costumes by / Mayou Trikerioti
Lighting design / Lefteris Pavlopoulos
photos © Kostas Ordolis / M. Trikerioti
“It is an artistic miracle ideed, the anthropologically and sociologically symbolic set design by Mayou Trikerioti. A wet landscape, with four ‘isles’, one for each character, remains of the floor of a house and by proxy of modern society, isles of unbridged loneliness which are underlined by the foggy lighting design...”
Thymeli / Rizospastis 14/1/2004
“Lefteris Voyatzis rightly based his directorial interpretation [...] on the wonderfully magnificent stage design by Mayou Trikerioti.”
G.Pefanis / Highlights, 2004
“Maybe the most sensual attribute of the production is in the end the watery floor of stage designer Mayou Trikerioti; the thick repulsive seaweed moving endlessly in the water at the same time that the characters stay almost immobilised on the tiled islands of their seclusion”
S.Loizou / Vima, 07/12/2003
“The four conversationalists, standing up on their very private miniscule floorspace, all around them tarkovskian humidity, purple, green and grey, colours of rottenness and gutters...”
S.Matziri / Eleytherotypia, 2004
“Mayou Trikerioti’s humid stage nears the non-space of the play as an internal space, an antechamber of hell”
E.Marinou / Kyriakatiki, 2004
“...admirable set and costumes from Mayou Trikerioti...”
Thymeli, 09/01/2004
“Mayou Trikerioti’s sets as much as the costumes, are wonderful.”
Rizospastis, 3/1/2004