So much Water So Close to Home
Amore Theatre / 2006
Written by / R. Carver
Directed by / Thomas Moschopoulos
Set and Costumes by / Mayou Trikerioti
Lighting design / Lefteris Pavlopoulos
photos © Mayou Trikerioti
“[The play’s] superb rhythm, humour and its imperceptible melancholy materialize in the ideal, austere and linear set -a big white bed, three rectangular frames surrounding it and a delicate screen running images of water, one of Carver’s light-motif.”
G. Sarigiannis / Taxydromos, 2006
"So much water so close to home.
I say, "Why did you have to go miles away?"
"Don’t rile me," he says."
Raymond Carver, 1989